After realizing that your marriage declined to the point of no return, you decide that you want to divorce your spouse. At this point, you might feel like getting the news of your divorce off your chest and immediately telling your spouse and loved ones. Before...
How to tell your parents about your divorce
Informing your children that you and your spouse have plans to divorce requires compassion and tact. However, you must also carefully consider how you will break the news to your parents. These are some tips to help you have the conversation without adding to the...
A property division checklist can save you time and money
Are you heading for divorce? Are you beginning to wonder what will happen in regard to property division? Do you have some concerns about losing out on property that you should be able to retain? There is a lot to think about when going through divorce, with matters...
Divorce, property division and your house
You may have lived withyour spouse in your family home for the last 10 years, but after your divorce is finalized, you won't be living with him or her anymore. One or both of you will have to move out and find a new home. This begs the question: Who gets to keep the...
Questions about child support modification
If you or your ex-spouse's financial circumstances have changed -- whether you're the recipient or the payer of child support -- you may be able to apply for a child support modification. If successful, a judge will permanently or temporarily alter the child support...
How should parents spend child support money?
When a single mother or father has full custody of his or her children, the financial burden of caring for the children will be noteworthy. For this reason, New York family law courts usually order the noncustodial parent to pay a specific amount of money each month...
What is constructive emancipation?
Nearly all children want to be adults as quickly as possible. It's only later that -- as adults -- we might hark back to the days of when we were younger and didn't have a care or concern. Sometimes, teenagers will actually act on their wish to be free, move out and...
What’s parental alienation syndrome?
Children need to have a strong relationship with both their parents. They also need protection from the arguments and conflicts that come up between their parents. In spite of the needs and best interests of their children, however, some parents fight to push the...
Can I change my child custody plan?
There could be any number of reasons why you'd want to change your child custody plan. Maybe you started a new job and your work schedule doesn't fit in with this. Or, maybe you got sick and you can't take care of your children in the same way at this time. If you...
Pets and divorce: What does your dog really want?
In New York child custody cases, courts will always consider the best interests of the child first and foremost in arriving at their child custody decisions. In certain circumstances -- when the child is old enough and mature enough -- courts will also ask for input...