Divorcing couples often face tough decisions about how to divide their assets. In recent years, many divorcing couples have also had to deal with a new kind of challenge—determining who gets custody of the family pet. Pets hold an important place in a family, and...
property division
My business, my rules: Keeping your company out of the divorce settlement
Building a successful business in Patchogue takes dedication, sacrifice and a whole lot of "you." So, the thought of a divorce potentially jeopardizing your company can be a real gut punch. While New York State recognizes marital property, there are ways to shield...
How to broach the subject of getting a postnuptial agreement
Marriage is a partnership built on love and trust. However, sometimes couples find themselves in situations where they want to protect their assets or clarify financial arrangements. This is where a postnuptial agreement can come into play. Broaching the subject of a...
Celebrity divorce issues may be relevant to you
When you go to a New York theater to see a movie or binge-watch your favorite shows on Netflix, you probably find yourself daydreaming about celebrity lifestyles. You might wonder what you’d do if you made millions of dollars for a single movie project. In some cases,...
Is your spouse stashing cash with the IRS before divorce?
Perhaps you can relate to other New York spouses who say that serious trust issues were the primary reason they decided to end a marriage. If you can’t trust your own spouse, who can you trust? On the other hand, there may have been other problems in your marriage...
Is your ex trying to cause financial ruin in divorce?
Perhaps one of the reasons you decided to end your marriage is that you and your spouse argue constantly. You wouldn’t be the first person in New York (nor, likely, the last) to determine that you’d rather go your separate ways than stay in an unhappy relationship. If...
Is your spouse hiding assets during your divorce?
Any divorce proceeding has its complexities, but those complexities multiply when hidden or offshore assets and bank accounts are involved. That's what one woman quickly learned when her husband was hiding over $400 million dollars from her in offshore accounts. She...