You filed for divorce because you believe it’s better to move on in life without your partner than to stay in an unhappy relationship. You’re hoping to resolve most, if not all, of the important issues, especially those involving your children, in the swiftest, most...
Firm News
When your child wants to live with your ex-husband
As a divorced parent, you hear over and over again that the judge decides custody based on the child's interests. There are several factors that go into that decision. In New York, the child's preference is also taken into account, especially if your son or daughter...
4 ways children may push you into a divorce
When you married your partner, you likely thought you would remain together forever. As you know, though, life has a way of interfering with anyone’s plans. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, marriages simply do not last a lifetime. For many, few things are more...
What can you do when your ex won’t let you see your kids?
For most married couples with children, the potential to lose time with those kids is often one of the biggest deterrents to divorce. Almost everyone has heard a horror story about a good parent who doesn't get to spend time with their children because of a...
Why do married people cheat?
You begin growing suspicious when your spouse starts staying late at the office. Then they start sending text messages that they don't let you see. It feels like they're either gone or on their phone all the time. That's when they leave their Facebook open on your...
How will New York courts handle your pet in a divorce?
People often refer to dogs as man's best friend. There is no question that you become very attached to your pet, whether it's a dog or a cat. However, your spouse likely feels a similar level of attachment. If you don't have children, that could make your pet one of...
When spouses hide assets in a divorce: Here’s how to find them
Hidden assets in divorce proceedings are a lot more common than anyone cares to admit. In fact, some spouses have been known to lie about their incomes while socking away stockpiles of cash in secret -- and the other spouse never finds out. However, these activities...
Do couples who drink together actually stay together?
It goes against one's better judgment to constantly get drunk with one's spouse. And many couples are drunk enough on love to the point that they don't need alcohol to solidify their love union. Nevertheless, a study published by The Journals of Gerontology seems to...
The most common reasons for annulling a marriage
Most spouses who want to end their marriages need to go through the divorce process, but some spouses will qualify for "annulment." When a spouse annuls his or her marriage, it means that the marriage was never a legal marital union in the first place. There are many...
Constructive emancipation could relieve you from paying support
There are some situations in which parents may be relieved of the duty of paying child support. They are few and far between, but they are often because the custodial parent refused or interfered with visitation with the noncustodial parent on a continuous basis. If...