Nearly all children want to be adults as quickly as possible. It's only later that -- as adults -- we might hark back to the days of when we were younger and didn't have a care or concern. Sometimes, teenagers will actually act on their wish to be free, move out and...
Year: 2017
Need-to-know information for sole custody parents
Regardless of whether you and your spouse agreed to sole custody, you received a sole custody award through litigation or the judge deemed the other parent unfit to share custody, there are a few things you should know as a sole custody parent. First and foremost, you...
What’s parental alienation syndrome?
Children need to have a strong relationship with both their parents. They also need protection from the arguments and conflicts that come up between their parents. In spite of the needs and best interests of their children, however, some parents fight to push the...
Can I change my child custody plan?
There could be any number of reasons why you'd want to change your child custody plan. Maybe you started a new job and your work schedule doesn't fit in with this. Or, maybe you got sick and you can't take care of your children in the same way at this time. If you...
Pets and divorce: What does your dog really want?
In New York child custody cases, courts will always consider the best interests of the child first and foremost in arriving at their child custody decisions. In certain circumstances -- when the child is old enough and mature enough -- courts will also ask for input...
Can my wife take my ski cabin in our divorce?
You've had your ski cabin for years. In fact, you grew up going to that mountain cabin in Vermont, which used to belong to your grandparents. Then your parents inherited it, and now it's yours. It's always been your favorite weekend escape. You and your wife and kids...
8 ways your spouse tries to hurt you during divorce
You think you and your spouse both know that the marriage is a bust. You tell him or her you want a divorce. At this point, you're almost expecting relief. Instead, your spouse is furious. There's shouting. Shoes get thrown. Plates get knocked off the kitchen table....
Can cheating impact the outcome of your divorce?
Many marriages end in divorce these days. In the United States, cheating is one of the most common causes of divorce. It is the second most common reason that married couples separate and later divorce. If you have caught your spouse cheating, it can be a shock. Hurt...
Did your spouse euthanize or steal your dog when leaving you?
For many couples without children, dogs end up thought of and treated like "fur babies." Emotionally, those pets become your children. In some cases, such as a suddenly discovered affair, dogs and other pets can become leverage during a divorce. Your former spouse may...
Can’t afford your child support? It’s time for a modification
As you go through the divorce process, you look forward to the day when you can finally get your life back on track. Even though things are sure to change, you know that this is the best way to regain control of your life and feel better about what the future will...