After realizing that your marriage declined to the point of no return, you decide that you want to divorce your spouse. At this point, you might feel like getting the news of your divorce off your chest and immediately telling your spouse and loved ones.
Before revealing your plans and officially filing for divorce, take the following steps to protect yourself and your interests:
1. Organize essential documents.
Gather every vital document you can find. Make copies of check registers, tax returns, bank statements, motor vehicle titles, life insurance policies, stocks, family trusts, employee benefits handbooks, etc. Staying organized will help you and your attorney save time and money in the long run.
2. Save for your monthly expenses.
Your spouse might cut you off financially when they find out about the divorce. To prepare, save up enough funds to cover your expenses for the next several months, especially if you have limited access to financial resources in the marriage.
3. Change your social media privacy settings.
You might feel tempted to post your grievances across your social media platforms. Avoid sabotaging your case before it even starts by limiting what you post and keeping everything professional. Change your accounts to the highest privacy settings.
4. Journal regularly.
Start keeping a diary of the critical information you want to document regarding your spouse and children. Note who is taking your children to school, activities, play dates, appointments and attending parent-teacher meetings. Also, write down any significant fights. Having this information recorded and at your ready will help you remember details to explain your story to the court.
Taking measures to prepare for your impending divorce before sharing your plans may make the process safer and more efficient.